Committed to providing you outstanding customer service with the modern comforts of today.

Moving In or Moving Out

Security Deposit

Most tenants want to maximize their Security Deposit refund when they move out of a property. Following is a general guide.

1) Give a proper 30 Day Notice, in writing. You will be responsible for a full 30 days rent after your notice is received by our office.

2) Stay current with your rent. Your Security Deposit is not your last month’s rent. The last month at the property you still need to pay rent.

3) After you move out, you need to return the keys, garage remotes, etc. to our office. You are responsible for rent until they are returned. Don’t just leave the keys on the counter at the property on your last day. We need to know that you have vacated.

4) Supply us with your forwarding address.

5) Leave the property in good condition. We will not charge you for reasonable wear and tear, but for anything beyond that, there will be a charge. The most common charges are for cleaning and hauling. Don’t just leave behind what you don’t want to keep. Clean the property. If you clean the carpets use a professional or, if you do it yourself, follow the carpet cleaning unit instructions carefully. Don’t use too much cleaning liquid, and be sure to rinse it all out. If you just spot clean, we have found that Folex is a good product, available at most home improvement centers.

If you are a current tenant of ours, and you have any further questions, please call at 909-988-4253 or email at .